Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Women's Heart

ღღﻬஐﻬღღ. Woman, The Deepest Love ; "When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied. But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, 'Oh yes - I already have everything that I really need.'" - the 14th Dalai Lama
" Drink Me
For I am Pure Water
A Woman's Heart 
Is healing rain
Falling from Heaven
Onto the dry places
A Blessing Divine from the Sky
Poured into the dry Desert
+ My Love is forever descending
I am pressed downward
Through jagged rocks
I am squeezed though Time
Called to descend through adversity
Down, down
Slowly filtered through layers
+ A Woman's Wisdom
Is found inside the Womb of the Earth
In the Cathedral of Goddess
The Secret of allowing all things to flow
The Promise of Rebirth
+ We let water fall into the darkness
To a Path that eyes cannot see
Deep, Deep
The Chorus and Melody of Life
Hope finding Voice once more
The whispered trickling music
The dialogue of hardness and softness
+ Movement and Stillness
The Purest Water
Is found in the Deepest Aquifer
The Deepest Love
Is found in the Heart of Woman
My Womb is full of Living Water
* Drink Me
I Am
The Eternal Fountain
Seeking the fallen ones
Wounded, thirsty and alone
We find them in the Deep
Washed, restored
* We birth you from the Mountain
Down through the layers of rock
And out again
Into the Realm of Life
Child of Promise
— with PREM SAGAR GUPTA ; My heart
will never seek another heart,
Or smell another flower,
knowing you.
Your love has made
heart's field a desert waste;
No love other than yours
grows in that place !
~ Rumi ; I may not be there yet,
but I'm closer than I was yesterday... !

Light and Darkness

Just as I brought You into the 'Light' of every minute of my every Day......
I can banish you into the 'Darkness'... And that's where You will Stay......
By, Michelle Torres 5/2014